The marking felt is used for electrolytic marking as an electrolyte storage and could be compared to an ink pad. The felt stores the electrolyte and ensures that the current is evenly distributed.

DIMATRON offers different types of felt. White felt is thin and very flexible, gray felt is thicker and can store more electrolyte and black felt (also thick) has a particularly high conductivity.

Black felt

The specialty of the black felt from DIMATRON is that it is an excellent conductor of electricity compared to the white polyester felt. It is thicker than the white felt and springs slightly, which is particularly advantageous when used in semi-automatic systems. Like the white felt, the black felt is extremely heat-resistant.

A felt packaging unit contains 3 sheets in the size of A4 (210 x 297 mm), can also be ordered in a pre-assembled size for a small surcharge.

The black felt must always be used in combination with conductive net.

black marking felt
black marking felt

Weißer Filz

Weißer Filz ist extrem hitzeresistent, allerdings weniger gut leitend. Je nach Anwender oder Gerätetyp, kann er jedoch die richtige Wahl sein. Besonders beliebt ist der weiße Filz bei Benutzern von Geräten zur Schweißnahtpolitur.