The founders, owners and managing directors of Dimatron GmbH are Tobias Scherdin and Domenico Tierno. Together the partners have more than 34 years of professional experience and industry knowledge in the electrolytic marking sector.

Tobias Scherdin

Tobias Scherdin worked for over 20 years at a large marking system manufacturer, both as marketing manager as well as product manager in the “electrolytic marking systems”. In 2018 he decided to take the helm himself and founded DIMATRON GmbH together with Domenico Tierno.

“My personal motivation to start my own business was above all the desire for professional self actualisation and the pursuit of independence. The direct influence on company values, philosophy and ethics was particularly important to me.”

Connect with Tobias Scherdin on Xing and LinkedIn.

Tobias Scherdin
Domenico Tierno

Domenico Tierno

Domenico Tierno worked for 13 years in the same company from Solingen as Tobias Scherdin. He was responsible for the sale of electrolytic systems and the etch marking consumables. He also designed long life stencils based on individual customer requests.

Domenico Tierno´s personal motives primarily in the desire for independence and self-determined action. In the long term, the prospect of professional development and financial success was also very important to him.

Connect with Domenico Tierno on Xing and LinkedIn.